At Carmel UMC strive to be the hands and feet of Christ through outreach in the world around us. We have three areas of focus: Food Insecurity, Children, and Housing.

Our mission of the month is Sierra Leone Missions.
All LOOSE COINS in the offering plates/baskets will go to this mission, or you can designate on your envelope or memo line that you wish to support "Sierra Leone" (for the missions in Sierra Leone as a whole) or "Thinx" (SPECIAL PROJECT for the undergarments for young ladies to help them remain in school) 

Food Missions


If you shop on Amazon, you may wish to look at the FOOD PANTRY's WISH LIST. There are items that we need all the time, and the needs are updated often:  


Download a copy of the 2023 Food Pantry Metrics Summary PDF. This report shows many facts and figures pertaining to the pantry.
2023 Food Pantry METRICS 

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a federal program that helps supplement food for anyone in need of support. To learn more click here.

Each household may visit the Carmel food pantry once every month.

Click the image above to view the current WEEKLY WANTS at the CUMC Food Pantry. 


      The CUMC Food Pantry serves about 400 families each month. We partner with local churches, school organizations and members of the community to serve healthy food to HAMILTON COUNTY RESIDENTS. Please bring: a photo ID and proof of residence, such as a utility bill or rental agreement, with you when you visit the food pantry.


      Since 2022, St Christopher's Episcopal Church, Carmel Christian Church, Cornerstone Lutheran, and Noblesville First UMC, have donated bounty from their own gardens to the CUMC Food Pantry. Orchard Park Presbyterian Church donates all of the eggs given to guests of the pantry.


If you are interested in volunteering in the Food Pantry, fill out the form at THIS LINK. If you have never volunteered at the pantry, please sign up for a Newbie Shift for training before you volunteer as a Guest Shopper. Newbie Shifts are every Tuesday night 5-7pm and Saturday 11am-1pm.

You can also email foodpantry@carmelumc.org


Food Pantry Gardens

In 2020 our church decided to get outside and start planting healthy, organic produce to be distributed by our Food Pantry to Hamilton County Residents. In 2021 the garden won the 1st Annual Anatoth Award from the Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church for being a community-minded garden. Our hope is to continue growing healthy nutritious foods for our community. 

Soup's On joins Roberts Park UMC in downtown Indianapolis to serve meals to the hungry and homeless of downtown Indy on Sundays each week. Meals are provided from 12-1pm. Personal hygiene items are also available. CUMC serves 5 times per year. Contact Jim Bach at saborofborg@gmail.com about volunteering to serve. Read more about 'Soup's On' on page 5 of the July 2023 edition of THE CONTACT - (click here)

 2025 Dates | Jan 12, Mar 23, Sep 14, Nov 9

(you can sign up to HELP at the button above)

Missions Serving Children


Most children in foster care enter with nothing of their own. Bags of Hope provides foster children with their own mongrammed duffle bag filled with books, blankets, toys and a few item that will hopefully bring them joy.

More Info HERE.



Kids Coats was started by three women from Carmel UMC in 2004, and has grown from a church  ministry to its own nonprofit that serves thousands of people in Hamilton County each year. Kids Coats keeps the residents of Hamilton County warm in the cooler/cold months with lightweight jackets, scarves, gloves, boots, and winter coats. Volunteer opportunities are year round!

More Info HERE.


New this year, each church will be serving their school district in deeper ways connecting directly with the schools in their community and the counselors or social workers to reach kids that need a coat not only at the giveaway, but also on a school-level until winter is over.


How can you help?:


  • collecting coats in your neighborhood, business, or team - you can find printables here: kidscoats.org/collect-coats - Did you know that anyone age 11 and older wears an adult-sized coat? We especially need these sizes!!!



Sierra Leone Mission Team January 2023 | Jessica Stevens writes: 

"Our team from Operation Classroom and Carmel UMC is wrapping up its first week with our partners, Carmel Preschool and Taiama Enterprise Academy in Sierra Leone! The worldwide UMC is working alongside the Sierra Leone UMC to bring education, healthcare and churches to the communities here. We’ve spent the week building relationships and learning so much from amazing Sierra Leoneans".
READ MORE about the Sierra Leone trip on page 5 of the
March issue of The CONTACT.



The United Methodist Churches across Indiana partner with United Methodist Churches in Sierra Leone & Liberia to ensure children have access to education. Carmel UMC partners specifically with the schools in Sierra Leone, including the Taiama Enterprise Academy, to provide school supplies, scholarships and room & board to students. 

Pastor Daisy Gbloh is from Sierra Leone. She served as part of the CUMC staff for 18 months (Feb 2022- Aug 2023) while she studied at United Theological Seminary.  



      This is our third year working with the Salvation Army for the Angel Tree Program. Our CUMC leaders are Beth Lotti and Margaret Kettle. They led the Christmas drive in November and met with the Salvation Army to map out the Family Life Center (FLC) and the volunteer slots for set-up and the event on December 7!


      The Angel Tree program looked a little different from previous years, Santa's Workshop was set up right here at CUMC! We needed LOTS of help to setup the FLC and volunteers to help guide families through and help them shop for their kids. We are grateful for those who signed up.

     UPDATE: All of the ANGELS were adopted quickly!! and the gifts will be brought back to the church by November 24th. 


     This event will need MANY volunteers to help on Dec. 6-7.

Sign ups are located here: CLICK HERE


     Donations of gift wrap and gift bags are being received at the church office. You can leave them in the wagon outside the office door. 


     THANK YOU to all those who donated and helped...for sharing the joy of Christmas with those in need in our neighborhood. Questions? You can contact Beth (brlotti52@gmail.com) or Margaret (mkettle@indy.rr.com).



Family Promise is the nation's leading organization working to prevent and end family homelessness. Carmel UMC was one of the founding partner churches to get this non-profit started in the Indianapolis area. What began as churches providing food and shelter in the winter months has turned into furnishing apartments to help provide stability for homeless families and most especially their children.


We collected items in May 2024 for an apartment to be furnished for a family in July. Thank you to everyone who contributed so many lovely things to make this new place a home for this family. 

Each year Carmel UMC sends a team to Frakes Kentucky to help families with home improvement projects. In June 2023, our team built a new deck for a family and saw first-hand how improving a home can boost pride in home ownership and hope in many other facets of life.

OUR LAST TRIP was June 2-8, 2024

Read about some our June 2024 Trip on the CUMC Facebook page at 
https://www.facebook.com/share/p/99TGn3eHooMPkkS2/ (click the green text).
For more information about Henderson Settlement click

OUR 2023 TRIP was June 4-10, 2023

Read about our June 2023 Trip on page 4 of 
July edition of our Church Newsletter! (click the green text).
For more information about Henderson Settlement click